Source Code Program Delphi Perpustakaan Tuanku


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Download 'NEXUS UI. simplified expressive mobile development'
  • Todd Holt
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1 NEXUS UI simplified expressive mobile development Experimental Music & Digital Louisiana State University Ben Taylor Dr. Jesse Allison Yemin Oh William Conlin Daniel Holmes

2 What is Nexus UI? Nexus is a project focused on Distributed Performance Systems via the web. Nexus Project began focused on the server tools to enable distribution of UI - Rails, PHP, Node.js Nexus UI is a framework that solves the issue of creating browser based interfaces.

3 Vox Instrument Enabling musical expressivity

4 Objectives cross-device compatibility for apps enabling unconventional UIs using browser technologies no preference for platform extensibility focus on making touch display UIs easy to create

5 Objectives cross-device compatibility for apps enabling unconventional UIs using browser technologies no preference for platform extensibility focus on making touch display UIs easy to create

6 Interfaces Standard graphical user interfaces for electronic music Dial Button Toggle Keyboard Slider Multislider Position

7 Interfaces Non-standard interfaces made easy by HTML5 Tilt Typewriter Mouse Colors (computer keyboard) Metroball Pixels Joints Matrix

8 METROBALL Now with added Tilt!

9 Accessing Interfaces Link to nexusui.js library <script src= nexusui.js ></script> Add HTML5 canvas with valid nx attribute <canvas nx= multitouch ></canvas> <canvas nx= tilt ></canvas>

10 Interface Example <!doctype html> <html> <head> <script src='jquery.js'></script> <script src='nexusui.js'></script> </head> <body> <canvas nx='tilt'></canvas> <canvas nx='position'></canvas> <canvas nx='joints'></canvas> </body> </html> Enabling: Continuous control Gestural control Automation / animation Multi-point interfaces

11 Objectives cross-device compatibility for apps enabling unconventional UIs using browser technologies no preference for platform extensibility focus on making touch display UIs easy to create

12 Communication and Servers No preference for audio platform or server configuration JavaScript Web Audio Servers (send via UDP to Max, SuperCollider, ChucK) Node.js PHP/Ajax Rails nx.sendsto( js ) nx.sendsto( node ) nx.sendsto( ajax ) ios libpd nx.sendsto( ios )

13 Open Sound Control <canvas nx= tilt ></canvas> /tilt1/x /tilt1/y /tilt1/z <canvas nx= dial id= volume ></canvas> /volume 0.587



16 Objectives cross-device compatibility for apps enabling unconventional UIs using browser technologies no preference for platform extensibility focus on making touch display UIs easy to create

17 Core Nexus is a platform > Template for building new interface objects Touch-compatible interaction event handling Transmit functions Helper functions Animation pulse Integration with all UI functionality and UI builders

18 moonball ios app built on NexusUI platform Touch Interaction Animation Communication with libpd

19 TRAVERSAL Web App with node server, gibberish, max, and midi controlled Organ Touch interactions Animation 2 way communication with Node server & other participants

20 Objectives cross-device compatibility for apps enabling unconventional UIs using browser technologies no preference for platform extensibility focus on making touch display UIs easy to create

21 Accessibility Several server paradigms: PHP, Rails, Node.js Tutorials on how to set up a local server Folder of examples for integration with Max Web Audio (in gibberish) UI Builders so you don t have to code

22 UI Builders NexusDrop NexusUp Drag-and-drop interface editor Max bpatcher for duplicating patches in NexusUI

23 Drop

24 Drop NexusDrop creates reusable and editable UIs Save to UI Database Save as HTML View UIs by others

25 Up Max bpatcher constructs NexusUI HTML from.maxpat JSON

26 Up

27 EMDM ACADEMY Developing Web instruments using NexusUI and Gibberish with Middle and High School kids

28 Objectives cross-device compatibility for apps no preference for audio platform extensibility unconventional UIs using browser technologies focus on making mobile phone orchestras easy to create make it awesome!

29 Mobile Phone Orchestra Visualizer connecting all interfaces with node.js

30 VISUALIZATION Node.js based visualization of performers for the Louisiana Mobile App Orchestra (LMAO)

31 LDMC.js object used to localize sounds in the Louisiana Digital Media Center 92 speaker Meyer Constellation system

32 Tactile Overlays

33 Vox TouchOSC interface turned into NexusUI interface

34 NxPetals

35 Humming Mississippi

36 Thanks! Want to see more? Demo Thursday! Ben Taylor - Dr. Jesse Allison - William Conlin - Experimental Music & Digital Louisiana State University Ben Taylor Dr. Jesse Allison Yemin Oh William Conlin Daniel Holmes

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