Download Php5apache2_4.Dll Win64

  1. Download Php5apache2_4.dll X64
  2. Download

I got a new laptop with Windows 7 and want to set up a php+mysql develop environment.
Thus, I downloaded httpd_2.4.3-netware-bin and install Apache 2.4 successfully.
Then I got and unpack it . But I can't find php5apache2_4.dll in it. (I need put it in httpd.conf , Am I right?)
So I went to Google for it, but I got nothing.
Where can I get it?

Php5apache2.dll download. The Php5apache2.dll file is a dynamic link library for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista and XP. You can fix The file Php5apache2.dll is missing. And Php5apache2.dll not found. Errors by downloading and. Additional & Goodies Downloads. Build by stevehay ActivePerl/StrawberryPerl and Apache 2.4.x Win32 & Win64 [Brotli.exe]. VC9 - PHP Handler modules PHP 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 for Apache 2.4.

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1 Answer

Download Php5apache2_4.dll X64

I don't know which package you have downloaded but the working package can be found at You have to download the vc6 version, non-thread-safe.

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P.S if you don't find the php5apache2_4.dll you downloaded the wrong package, I repeat you need the vc6 non thread safe version.

Download Php5apache2_4.Dll Win64 Download


P.P.S: If you want to simplify all the process I suggest you to use WAMP, this do all the tricks, installing a working apache php server without requires tons of googling.


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