Pukana Game What Are The Words



  1. Pukana Game Words
  • A wild facial expression made by someone performing a haka.

    • ‘You find the whatero and pukana posturing highly amusing?’
    • ‘It even teaches the haka-ending facial 'pukana' in which the eyes bulge and men stick out their tongues.’
    • ‘The best pukana photo will win an evening at Te Po - the Indigenous Evening Experience at Te Puia.’
    • ‘Like the Maori warrior whose spirit bursts forth in pukana, this is the body as a nexus between that outside the individual and that within.’
    • ‘The faces contort into a myriad of expressions, pukana, tongues out, eyes screwed up, with hoots of laughter and playful shoving.’
    • ‘I can do a good pukana.’
    • ‘Add yourself to Wellington's story by showing us your best pukana and getting your photo taken at Mojo.’
    • ‘Three young Maori warriors sprung forth from inside the stadium, prancing, flashing their pukana (wild-eyed grimaces) and swinging their taiaha (long wooden clubs).’
    • ‘In mostly unsympathetic roles, the cast are excellent, and the fantastic dancers are vital: a rugby scrum becomes a bull; flamenco flourishes are matched with pukana eyes.’
    • ‘The first competition involves visitors giving their best pukana (haka face).’

Pukana Game Words




The word Pūkana is the innermost expression of wairua (spirit) being released while performingthe Māori Haka (war dance). Our unique Māori and Polynesian designs embody the warrior spirit and will bring out the Pukana warrior in you. Pukana game - Duration: 4:52. Magz Lia 10,003 views. How to Pronounce Māori Words for Travelers // New Zealand - Duration: 6:26.
