Cara Mengedit File Exe Visual Basic


Kali Ini Saya akan Share Tentang Cara Edit File Berektensi (.exe) Dengan Visual Basic 6. Sebelumnya Saya Menjelaskan Visual Basic itur apa? Nah Visual Basic Itu Program Untuk Membuat Sofware.

I am currently creating an application in Visual Studio 2010. After building the project to generate the output of my application, I find that the .exe is built with the default icon.

Is there any way to change or use my own picture as the icon for the .exe file generated by Visual Studio 2010?

Zi MingZi Ming

3 Answers

To specify an application icon

  1. In Solution Explorer, choose a project node (not the Solution node).
  2. On the menu bar, choose Project, Properties.
  3. When the Project Designer appears, choose the Application tab.
  4. In the Icon list, choose an icon (.ico) file.

To specify an application icon and add it to your project

  1. In Solution Explorer, choose a project node (not the Solution node).
  2. On the menu bar, choose Project, Properties.
  3. When the Project Designer appears, choose the Application tab.
  4. Near the Icon list, choose the button, and then browseto the location of the icon file that you want.

The icon file is added to your project as a content file.

Cara Mengedit Foto Menggunakan Photoshop

Zaheer AhmedZaheer Ahmed

I found it easier to edit the project file directly e.g. YourApp.csproj.

You can do this by modifying ApplicationIcon property element:

Also, if you create an MSI installer for your application e.g. using WiX, you can use the same icon again for display in Add/Remove Programs. See tip 5 here.


Check the project properties. It's configurable there if you are using another .net windows application for example


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I made a program using VB and I lost the source code but I have the exe file. How can I extract the code from the exe file?


6 Answers

Assuming your exe is a .NET assembly (you tagged the question as VB.NET), you can reverse engineer your exe using tools such as Reflector.

Jakob ChristensenJakob Christensen

If it's VB.NET you can use the RedGate Reflector tool and the FileDisassemler plugin to generate the source code. Descargar windows vista 32 bits supercomprimido. That is if the exe was not obfuscated


Since you tagged your question you might be able to retrieve quite some portions of your code using a .NET disassembler. For example try Lutz Roeder's .Net Reflector or MS ildasm which comes with the .NET compiler.

Cara Membuat File Exe Visual Basic

Cara Mengedit File Exe Visual Basic

Use Reflector (assuming .NET) to dissassemble the exe back into code. You will need to create your own class structure, but you can recover the code as any of the supported CLR languages.


Have you tried Salamander, or one of the many other .net decompilers?

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