Software Keil Tools.ini Toolchain Not Installed


Jun 29, 2013 - If not already installed, you need the following tools: The µVision IDE, compiler and debugger, available from. In every browser, because there are some browsers like Opera Mini that don't support APIs like Websocket. Use Notepad for editing the file C: keil TOOLS. Under the section [C51] you' ll. And tagged compiler, compiling, debugger debugging, IDE, keil, Proteus.

Let’s explain now how to configure Proteus VSM to work with C Keil IDE. The interaction beetwen Proteus and C Keil is achieved via the Virtual Debug Monitor (VDM) interface. if Keil C and Proteus are properly installed , copy the dll VDM51.dll from for example C: Program FileLabcenter Electronics Proteus X ProfessionalMODELSVDM5 1. Dll to the C: Program Fileskeil C51BIN directory.

use Notepad for editing the file C:keilTOOLS. INI file

under the section [C51] you’ ll find the line

TDRV0=BINMON51.DLL (“Keil Monitor-51 Driver”)

Software keil tools ini toolchain not installed

Software Keil Tools Ini Toolchain Not Installed

immediately below add the line that specifies the location of the dll

TDRV1 = BINVDM51.DLL (“Proteus VSM Monitor-51 Driver”)

then save the tools.ini file.

Now open the Keil IDE to create a new project

select the CPU AT89C51

the Source file is the following:

# define LEDS 6

# include “reg5 1. h”

unsigned char code Select [] = {0x0 1, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x1 0,0 x20};

unsigned char code LED_CODES [] =


{0xc0, 0xF9, 0xA4, 0xB0, 0x99, // ​​0-4

0x92, 0x82, 0xF8, 0x80, 0x90, // ​​5-9

0 x 8 8, 0 x 8 3, 0 x C 6, 0 x A 1, 0 x 8 6, // ​​A, b, C, d, E

0x8E, 0xFF, 0x0C, 0x89, 0x7F, 0xBF // F, space , P, H,., -};

void main ()


char i = 0; long intj; while (1)

{P2 = 0;


P2 = Select ;

for (j = 3000; j> 0; j –); // This LED models pulsed light , pulsed light by the //i-th bit , it will modify cycles , changing light delay before the next one , //get a different display.

i ++;

if (i> 5) i = 0;



Best non conforming drivers in golf. click the “Project menu/Options for Target” option

In the dialog box that appears, on “Debug” tab, select “Proteus VSM Monitor-51 Driver” as shown in the image

Click “Use” ,then click “Setting” button to set the communication interface, in “Host” add “”. As number of port edit 8000.Finally, compile the project.

Proteus settings

Into the Proteus ISIS, click the left mouse button on the menu “Debug”, select “use remote debuger monitor”, as shown below.

Click the Start button to run the simulation, we can observe each pin frequency variation, red for high power frequency, blue represents low-frequency.

I have got two versions of the Keil C51 on my computer. One limited older version on path c:keilc51 and the unlimited one on path C:SiliconLabsSimplicityStudiov2developertoolchainskeil_80519.51b.

In the simplicity studio I set the toolchain location to C:SiliconLabsSimplicityStudiov2developertoolchainskeil_80519.51b. On ervery restart of the simplicity studio the location of the toolchain is automatically set to c:keilc51.

It seems to me that simplicity studio searches for the Keil C51 on ervery restart.

How can the path be set fixed to C:SiliconLabsSimplicityStudiov2developertoolchainskeil_80519.51b ?

  • Development Environments
  • Discussion Forums
  • Simplicity Studio
  • Answered

  • Hi

    Simplicity Studio automatically detects Keil toolchains under C:/Keil, D:/Keil, and the Studio installation path on Windows. Unfortunately, Simplicity Studio does not yet support multiple Keil or GCC toolchains with the same versions.

    It seems like there is a bug where the C:/Keil and D:/Keil locations can override any previously selected toolchains. I have added a bug report for this and we'll fix it as soon as possible. For now, if you move or rename the C:/Keil path then Studio will no longer override the bundled toolchain.
