Compile C Program In Dos Number


I want to compile c program on dos prompt using tcc as well as tc without using c editor. please give the full procedure.

You can certainly compile C and/or (an ancient dialect of) C++ to a 16-bit file. The compiler/linker you have with Code::Blocks almost certainly can't do that though. In particular, at least to my knowledge, gcc has never even attempted to generate code for a 16-bit, segmented-memory environment. Online C Compiler, Online C Editor, Online C IDE, C Coding Online, Practice C Online, Execute C Online, Compile C Online, Run C Online, Online C Interpreter, Compile and Execute C Online (GNU GCC v7.1.1). C programs list. C hello world program. This program prints the number of. The command “gcc numbers.c” this will compile the program and to execute the.


Compile C Program In Visual Studio

3 Answers

I would look at the TCC documentation, specifically the quick start guide, provided on the TCC web page. One piece marineford war full. Assuming you have some source code already, a compilation is as simple as

You can also run a C file directly with the -run option, as in


you can run code without using an editor by using

Using argument '-' will open stdin and you can write the code within stdin and execute it on the fly.


I'm not sure if you mean Turbo C or Tiny C Compiler.


With Turbo C it can be as easy as:

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tcc.exe myfile.c

This will produce myfile.exe if all the source code is in myfile.c.

If you run tcc.exe without parameters it will show what parameters it accepts.

Compile C Program In Dos Number

There's documentation for Tiny C Compiler and it probably can show its usage too if run without parameters or with a specific parameter like -? or -help.

Alexey FrunzeAlexey Frunze

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How To Compile C Program In Ubuntu

I use Code::Blocks with GNU GCC Compiler. My question is: is there any way to compile c/c++ code to ms-dos 16bit (.com) executable format?
I tried to set the build options and search the compiler parameters on the net, but i couldn't find anything.


2 Answers

You can certainly compile C and/or (an ancient dialect of) C++ to a 16-bit MS-DOS .com file. The compiler/linker you have with Code::Blocks almost certainly can't do that though.

In particular, at least to my knowledge, gcc has never even attempted to generate code for a 16-bit, segmented-memory environment. There was at least one port of gcc to a DOS extender (DJGPP, but it produces .exe files, not .com and it uses a proprietary DOS extender along with an ancient version of gcc).

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If you really need to generate a .com file, there are quite a few options, but all the compilers are quite old, so especially with respect to C++ the language they accept is quite limited.

Compile And Run C Program

Tool chains that target(ed) MS-DOS.

Caveat: As already noted, all of these are very old. Generally speaking, the C they accept is reasonably conformant C89, but only for fairly small programs (both in terms of code and data size--of necessity: .com files are basically limited to a combined total of 64Kbytes of data and code). The differences between the C++ they accept and anything even sort of close to modern is much more profound (e.g., some didn't support templates at all). All mention of conformance here is relative to other compilers of the time; by modern standards, their conformance is uniformly terrible.

  1. Microsoft: Only sold C++ compilers for MS-DOS for a fairly short time--they were somewhat late into the market, and moved out of it to compilers that produced only 32-bit Windows executables fairly early. Known more for optimization than language conformance.
  2. Borland: Mirror image of Microsoft. Better conformance, poorer optimization, probably the last to abandon the MS-DOS market. Their last few compilers for MS-DOS even supported C++ templates (fairly new at the time).
  3. Watcom: one of the few that's still available as a free download, but without commercial support. When it was new, this was generally considered one of the best available for both conformance and optimization.
  4. Metaware: Quite an expensive option at the time. I never used it, but some people I respected highly considered it the best compiler you could get. Mostly targeted embedded systems.
  5. Datalight/Zortech/Symantec/Digital Mars: the other one that's still officially available. Had a small but extremely loyal following. I tried it for a while, but never found a compelling reason to prefer it to others.

There were quite a few more back then as well, but these probably account for well over 90% of the market at the time.

Jerry CoffinJerry Coffin

What you are looking for is exe2bin. This was a utility that came with DOS to convert .EXE format object code into the .COM format (code and data in one 64K segment). It came with DOS and some compiliers/assemblers.


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